Visit of Gilead3a

On 19th Sept 2024, Department of Education, Govt T.Romana College visited Gilead Special School, at Brigate Road, Bawngkawn. The III semester students of Multidiciplinary Course in Education comprising 30 students were selected along with faculty teacher Mrs Baby Lalramsiami HOD and Dr. Lv Zodinpuii. The visit to special school was arranged by the head of the department because the course of differently abled persons which now a days we called it PWDs is a part of the syllabus. The field visit was very effective as the students could witness with their own eyes the life of these differently abled persons and reflect on what they learnt.

The Principal the department all necessary information and there was interactive session with the headmistress, children of differently abled persons and other staff members. The visit would help the students to identify and learn the skills needed to handle differently abled students in the future.

Visit of Gilead a