Govt. T. Romana College was established in 1992 as a private institution, upgraded to grant-in-aid (deficit) status in 2003 and provincialised in 2008. The College is committed to the education of the individual giving special care to accommodate academically and economically disadvantaged students. Students are encouraged to seek knowledge and wisdom as lifelong learners, motivated to expand their human potential and develop competencies necessary to function in contemporary society. The College, therefore, has the distinction of being called 'the College of Grace' within which it has produced many meritorious students.

Courses Offered

1. With the implementation of National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) in undergraduate programmes from the academic session 2023-2024, the College offers four-year single major degree course with multiple exit options in Arts stream in the following subjects: click the subject link for course outcomes:

Sl. No. Subjects Sl. No. Subjects
1. English 5. Economics
2. Mizo 6. Sociology
3. History 7. Education
4. Political Science 8. Public Administration


2. The duration of the UG programme, under NEP 2020 is 4 years or 8 semesters. Students who desire to undergo a 3-year UG Programme will be allowed to exit after completion of the 6th Semester. Moreover, if a student wants to leave after completion of the 2nd Semester (or 1" Year) or the 4º Semester (or 2nd Year), they will be given a UG Certificate or UG Diploma, respectively, provided they secure the required number of credits. For more details please visit:

3. The college has a well equipped computer laboratory with able instructors which enable it to conduct career oriented programmes and certificate courses on computer concepts or CCC in collaboration with the NIELIT. With the initiatives of the Institution, the courses will now include 'O' Level Computer Course and Web Development from the session of 2023-2024 under NIELIT.

Admission Criteria and Procedure

Students are admitted into the College based on their academic record in the qualifying examination. Fresh application forms and Academic Calender for each year will be issued along with the prospectus. Duly filled up application form accompanied by relevant documents will be received, commencing immediately after the publication of HSSLC results. Barring exceptions made by the College authority, students fulfilling the necessary criteria will be admitted into various courses and classes generally begin within 20 days of publication of Plus 2 results.

Attendance, Assessment and Evaluation

The College effects 180 teaching days as per the norms of Mizoram University. Students are expected to fulfil the norms of 75% attendance in an academic year. The College reserves the right to disallow students from appearing in the University examination if they fail to conform to the said norm.

Academic progress is continually assessed through the conduct of periodic tests, submission of assignments and tutorials. An annual Selection examination is held internally before the filling up of University Examination forms. Due importance is given to performances in these assessments for the selection of students to appear in the University examination.

For weak learners, special classes are held by the concerned faculty according to the needs perceived and there is provision for conducting regular classes in remedial English.

Library facilities :

The College Library is located in the College building itself and is easily accessible. It remains open from 9:00 Am to 5:00 Pm on all working days round the year except on holidays. The Library has a large collection including books, periodicals, Journals references and other relevant materials. It also offers an ideal reading room for both the students and the faculty members. Only the staff and students of the College have access to the Library facilities. Exceptions are made for outsiders with special permission from the Principal.

Co-Curricular activities:

The College lays due importance on the wholesome development of students through the promotion of various co - curricular activities. All students are members of the Students’ Union that functions as an active forum for the practice of self government in the student body. The Union takes an active part in monitoring the improvement of the student quality and oversee the general welfare of the students. The NSS and NCC units in the college offer an opportunity to students to take an active part in social services and other useful activities. The Students’ Evangelical Union and other bodies including Adventure Club, History Club, Cultural Club, Chess Club etc. cater to varied interest areas and create opportunities for active student participation in diverse development programmes.

Incentive Schemes:

The College has instituted incentives schemes for meritorious students as follows :
1. Tlangchuhthanga Award : This Award is given to the student scoring the highest marks in the University Examination from among candidates appearing from the College in the Honours stream. It carries a cash award of ` 2,000/-. The Award is in memory of Pu Tlangchuhthanga, a prominent citizen of Kolasib town, given in donations by his daughter Ms. H. Lalbiakzuali, Assistant Professor of the College in the Department of Mizo.
2. Lilypuii Award : This Award also carries a cash reward of ` 2,000/- and is gven to the top scorer in the General stream from among candidates appearing from the College in the University examinations. The Award is in memory of Pi Lilypuii, a beloved mother of Mr. L. Biakthianghlima, Associate Professor of the College in the Department of Mizo.
3. R.Kapenga Award : The student of the general stream who scores highest marks in English from among candidates appearing from the College in the University Examination is awarded R.Kapenga Cash Award of ` 1,000/-. The Award is donated by Pi Dorothy Zonunsangi, Assistant Professor of the College in the Department of English in loving memory of her father, R.Kapenga (MF&AS) who died on 20.9.2001.
4. L.Biakchhungi Cash Award : L.Biakchhungi Cash Award of ` 1,000/- is given to the student who scores the highest marks in English honours students appearing from the College in the University Examination. The Award is donated by Pi Dorothy Zonunsangi, Assistant Professor of the College in the Department of English in loving memory of her mother, L.Biakchhungi who died on 10.4.2005.
5. Sports Incentive Cash Award : Students who win medals for the college in the University Sports are given certificates and cash awards.

Grievances Cell:

The College has a Grievances & Redressal Cell comprising members of the faculty. Students may address their grievances and complaints directly to the cell. A suggestion Box is also placed at a prominent location and students are encouraged to make good use this feature.

Rules of Conduct :

The College strictly implements the following Rules of Conduct for students. Students found in violation of the Rules, and any such others as may be framed by the College Authority from time to time, will be disciplined Code of Conductin a manner considered fit. In the case of dismissal due to violation of rules, the student shall be withdrawn from all courses and not entitled to any refund. 
1. Students must attend, regularly and punctually, all classes and must demonstrate proper respect and courtesy in the classroom.
2. Students must dressed decently in the campus. The authority shall not overlook indecent exposure or extravagance in attire.
3. Smoking and chewing of pan in the College Campus is strictly prohibited.
4. Any consumption or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs, possession of firearms, other weapons or fireworks, is grounds for immediate dismissal.
5. Students must abide by all applicable laws of the state and the country. No student is permitted to take part in any anti-national and partisan activities.
6. Vandalism and violent conduct in the Campus will be considered criminal activity.
7. Proper sanitation must be observed in and around the Campus, and College property must be handled with care.
8. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority of the college, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him from the institution as per the Supreme Court of India order conveyed vide No. F.1-8/2006(CPD-II), Dt.4.3.2008.