With the implementation of National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) in undergraduate programmes from the academic session 2023-2024, the College offers four-year single major degree course with multiple exit options in Arts stream in the following subjects:

Sl. No. Subjects Sl. No. Subjects
1. English 5. Economics
2. Mizo 6. Sociology
3. History 7. Education
4. Political Science 8. Public Administration

 However, students have to follow the rationalisation of subjects combination made by the Mizoram University.

Admission Criteria and Procedure

Duly filled up application form accompanied by relevant documents will be received, commencing immediately after the publication of HSSLC results. The minimum qualification of getting admission into B.A. Course is passing of HSSLC or its equivalent examinations conducted by any recognised Board of the State of Central government. Barring exceptions made by the College authority, students fulfilling the necessary criteria will be admitted into various courses and classes generally begin within 2 (two) weeks of publication of HSSLC results.


Students admitted to the College shall pay the following fees at the time of admission and such fees are not refundable :

Sl.No. Head Amount(Rs)
1. Admission fee 120.00
2. Monthly Tuition fee 1,200.00
3. Enrolment fee 120.00
4. University Registration fee 250.00
5. Affiliation fee 20.00
6. Students' Union fee 300.00
7. Games fee 300.00
8. Magazine fee 300.00
9. Students' Aid Fund 50.00
10. Identity Card fee 100.00
11. Library Fee 300.00
12. Internal Exam fee 400.00
13. College Development Fund 300.00
14. ICT fee 200.00
15. Medical fee 50.00
16. ERP (per Semester) 250.00
17. Transport fee 100.00
18. Fee for urgent need/NEP 500.00
19. Alumni fund 10.00
TOTAL Rs 4,870.00

 Note: The fees mentioned above are liable to change

Students of the college will have to buy the College T-shirt and wearing it is compulsory on every Wednesday. The students and staff of the college also contribute towards organising graduation/farewell dinner at the end of the Final Semester.

The duration of the UG programme, under NEP 2020 is 4 years or 8 semesters. Students who desire to undergo a 3-year UG Programme will be allowed to exit after completion of the 6th Semester. Moreover, if a student wants to leave after completion of the 2nd Semester (or 1" Year) or the 4º Semester (or 2nd Year), they will be given a UG Certificate or UG Diploma, respectively, provided they secure the required number of credits. For more details please visit: https://trcollege.edu.in/new-education-policy-nep/nep-framework-ug-mzu.html

Attendance, Assessment and Evaluation

The College effects 180 teaching days as per the norms of Mizoram University. Students are expected to fulfil the norms of 75% attendance in an academic year. The College reserves the right to disallow students from appearing in the University examination if they fail to conform to the said norm.

Academic progress is continually assessed through the conduct of internal examination, periodic test, submission of assignments and tutorials.For weak learners, special classes may be held by the concerned faculty according to the needs perceived and there is provision for holding regular remedial classes in all subjects.