Govt. T.Romana College constituted the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which has the responsibility of ensuring the improvement and maintenance of quality education in the institution. In pursuance of the National Action Plan of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality upgradation of institutions of higher education, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Govt. T. Romana College is reconstituted for a term of two years i.e. 2017-2019 as follows :



Chairman : Dr Lalrintluanga, Principal
Coordinator : Mrs.Jenifer Lalbiakdiki, Department of English
Asst. Coordinator : Mr. CVL Tlanhlua,Deptt. of Public Administration
Govt. Representatives : Mr R. Lallianzuala, Joint Director , QAC - cum - CDO
Higher & Technical Education, Mizoram
Local Person : Dr.F.Lalhmingsanga, Venghlui
Members :

1. Mr.K.Biakthianghlima, Department of Mizo
2. Mr C. Laldinsanga, Department of Sociology
3. Dr.Lalchhuanmawii, Department of Pub Admn.
4. Mrs Rosy Lalrinsangi, Department of Education 5. Mr.H.Lalnunmawia , Deptt. Of Economics
6. Dr. Malsawmliana, Deptt. of History
7. Dr.Vanlalchami, Deptt. Of English.
8. Dr. Benjamin Ralte,outgoing IQAC Co-ordinator.

The IQAC has reconstituted the following Cells and Committees and they are requested to have first meeting within the month of AUG, 2017. 


1. Examination Committee:
Chairman : Mr.Lalthansanga, Department of Pol.Sc.
Secretaries(Sr) : 1) Mr.R.Lalremliana, Department of Economics
Secretaries(Jr) 2) Ms. H.Lalbiakzuali, Department of Mizo
Ex-Officio Member: Principal
Members :

1) Mr. Lalhmachhuana Deptt. Of Edn.
2) Dr. Malsawmliana Deptt. Of History
3) Dr Jasmine Lalremmawii, Department of Pub.Admn
4) Mrs. PB. Lallawmawmi, Deptt. Of Sociology.
5) Mr. H.Lalnunmawia, Deptt. Of Economics.
6) Dr. Vanlalchami, Outgoing Exam Secy.

Nature of works :
To conduct Semester Examinations and CAT and take innitiative of the following activities connected to it.
a) declare results.
b) reforms in examination procedures and processes are evident
c) examination processes are transparent and realization.
d) security of the evaluation system is ensured
e) student grievances regarding evaluation results are addressed
f) to record marks awarded to the students through continuous internal assessment
g) to monitor and record monthly attendance of the students

2. Research, Consultancy & Extension Cell :
Chairman : Dr lalchhuanmawia, Department of Economics
Secretary : Dr. Vanlalchami, Department of Eng.
Members :

1. Ms H. Lalbiakzuali, Department of Mizo
2. Dr, Laltanpuii Rokhum Deptt. Of Sociology.
3. Dr.Lalrinmawii Tochhawng Department of Eng.
4. Mr Lalsangzela Pachuau, Department of Pol.Science
5. Dr. Benjamin Ralte, Deptt. Of History.

Nature of Works:
1) To keep record and submit percentage of teachers with Ph.D qualification and of teaching positions filled against sanctioned post
2) Adherence to UGC/ State Govt. / University norms with reference to teacher qualification for recruitment.
3) To ensure that faculty recruitment process is systematic and rigorous
4) To ensure that faculty development programmes aare initiated and utilized
5) To ensure that faculty demonstrate creativity and innovation in teaching methodology.
6) To encourage and promote research among faculty members
7) To facilitate faculty to undertake research by providing research funds (seed money)
8) To initiate research by collaborating with other research organisation/ industry
9) To establish research committees/unit/centres for promoting and directing research.
10) To keep records significant faculty involvement in research, number of major and minor research projects, number of research articles are published in reputed / refered journals, grants etc.
11) To comunicate recognised Research Centres (National & International, eg UGC, SAP, DST, DBT, UNESCO, UNICEF etc.) for colloration.
12) To conduct seminars/workshops/symposia
13) To undertake and arrange facility to training for non-teaching staff
14 To keep records of faculty involvement in seminar/workshops/symposia etc.

3. Library Committee :
Chairman : Dr.Malsawmliana, Department of History.
Secretary : Mr S. Lalnunpuia, Librarian
Members :

1) Mr. Lalhmachhuana ,Deptt. Of Edn.
2) MrsCaroline Laldinsangi Department of History
3) Mr. C.Laldinsanga ,Deptt, of Sociology
4) Mrs. Lalnuntluangi, Department of Economics
5) Dr.Lalrinmawii Tochhawng , Department of English
6) Mr C. Lalremruata, Library Assistant
Nature of work :
1) To record number of titles of books in the library
2) To keep record of the number of journals and other library recources (CDs/Cassettes etc)
3) To augment library resources every year with newer editions and titles.
4) To operate library very effective and user-friendly (issue of books, getting the necessary references etc)
5) To arrange reading room facility for faculty/students
6) To keep reprographic facilities.
7) To provide internet facility for information retrieval
8) To maintain inflibnet/ Delnet facility
9) To maintain computerization of library and networking with other libraries

4. Students Support, Progression and Placement Cell :
Chairman : Mr C.Laldinsanga, Department of Sociology
Secretary : Mrs Rosy Lalrinsangi, Department of Education
Members :

1. Mr.Lalhmachhuana, Department of Public Admn
2. Mrs Dorothy Zonunsangi, Department of English
3. Mrs Lalremmawii, Department of Mizo
4. Mr A. Lalramnghaka, Department of Mizo
5. Mrs.Lalngaihawmi Deptt. Of Sociology
6.Mrs. Lalsangluri deptt. Of Hist.
7.Mrs.Baby Lalramsiami Deptt. Of Edu.
8. Vice President, Students Union
9. General Secretary, Students Union

Nature of works :
1) To find job opportunities for outgoing students.
2) To give career guidance and counselling
3) To maintain records of past students regarding their career.
4) Identifications of weak students.
5) To conduct tutorial classes for the weak students periodically.
6) Organise students cultural/ NSS/ NCC activities
7) To participate in extension programmes (student and faculty)
8) To maintain records of awards and recognitions received for extension programmes
9) To provide opportunity to students for having remedial classes as well as service entry coaching classes
10) To take initiative for the formation of Alumni Association
11) To conduct feed back programmes from students, alumni, parents and employer
12) To assess the students learning level and conduct appropriate remedial courses

5. Disciplinary, Grievances and Redressal Committee :
Chairman : Mr Lalthansanga, Department of Pol.Sc.
Secretary : Mrs P.B.Lallawmawmi, Department of Sociology
Members :

1. Mr. K. Biakthianghlima, Department of Mizo
2. Mrs.Ramdinliani, Department of Political Science
3. Mr Lalhmachhuana, Department of Edn.
4. Mr R.Lalremliana, Department of Economics
5. Mr Lalnunzira, Department of Mizo
6. Mr. VanlalFinga Deptt. Of Pub. Admn.
7. Ms.Lalmuankimi Deptt. of Sociology
8. Mr. CVL.Tlanhlua Deptt of Pub Admn.
Nature of Works:
1) to take responsible for students’ discipline (smoking, drug and Alcohol abuse, attendance)
2) to take responsible for teachers’ discipline (punctuality, regularity etc.)
3) The Committee shall submit a written confidential report when asked by the authority or when deemed necessary.
4) It shall be responsible for the attendance of students in college function and the collection of fines in connection to it.

6. Felicitation Committee :
Chairman : Mrs.Rosy Lalrinsangi, Department of Edn.
Secretary : Mrs. Catherine Lalhruaitluangi, Department of English
Members :

1. Mr. K.Biakthianghlima Deptt. Of Mizo
2. Mr.Lalhmachhuana, Department of Public Admn
3. Dr. LV Zodinpuii, Department of Education
4. Mrs.Caroline Laldinsangi Deptt. Of Hist.
5. Mrs Dorothy Zonunsangi, Depart. Of Eng.
6. Dr. Jasmine Lalremmawii, Deptt. Of Pub. Admn
Nature of works :
1) To make arrangement of Awards to students for holding the highest positions in the University Examinations in Honours and General.
2) To make arrangement of Awards to students for outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities.
3) To facilitate the college stake holders for the outstanding performance in various disciplines.
4) To keep records and evidences for student satisfaction

7. Innovative Practices Committee :
Chairman : Mr. CVL.Tlanhlua, Department of Pub admn.
Secretary : Dr. Laltanpuii Rokhum, Deptt. Of Sociology.
Members :

1. Mrs Mary Lalngaihawmi, Department of Pol.Science
2. Mrs Lalngaihawmi Khiangte, Department of Sociology
3. Mrs Lalremmawii, Department of Mizo
4.Dr. Lalchhuanmawia Deptt. Of Economics.
5. Dr. Malsawmliana Deptt. Of History
6. Dr.C.Lalhmangaihzami, Department of History
7.Ms. Catherine Laldinpuii, Department of Eng.
Nature of works :
1) To study the best practices of other Colleges.
2) To enhance the current best practices of the College.
3) To find new ideas of best practices that will be beneficial for the College stakeholders .
4) Best practices in curricular design and development/ academic flexibility/ feedback on curriculum/ curricular update/ or any other initiative the institution practices.

8. Documentation and Archives Committee :
Chairman : Dr. Lalrinmawii Tochhawng,Deptt of English
Secretary : Dr.Jasmine Lalremmawii, Department of Public Admn.
Members :

1.Mrs.Baby Lalramsiami, Department of Edn.
2. Mr.S.Lalnunpuia Librarian
3. Mrs Catherine Lalhruaitluangi, Department of Eng.
4. Dr Benjamin Ralte, Department of History
Nature of Works :
1) To maintain the College records of important dates and events.
2) To maintain records of Examination Results, records of extension services like NCC, NSS, SEU, SU, Adventure Club etc.
3) To upload previous questions of University Examination in College website.
4) To Collect and safe keep College Magazines

9.. Information and Technology Cell :
Chairman : Mr H. Lalnunmawia, Deparment of Economics
Secretary : Mrs. Dorothy Zonunsangi, Department of Eng.
Member :

1. Mr R. Lalremliana, Department of Economics
2. Mr Lalhmachhuana, Deparment of PublicAdmn.
3. Mr.C.Laldinsanga, Department of Sociology
4.Mr.CVL.Tlanhlua, Deptt Of Pub Admn.
5. Dr. Vanlalchami, Deparment of English
Nature of Works :
1) To maintain computer and network facilities
2) To provide internet facility for faculty and students
3) To maintain website facility and updated regularly
4) To ensure the smooth functioning of Mobile repairing and Learning Centre
5) To ensure the smooth functioning of Computer Learning Centre.
6) Appointment and engagement of System administrator.

10. Entrepreneurship Committee:
Chairman : Mr Lalchhuanmawia, Department of Economics
Secretary : Mrs Ramdinliani, Department of Political Science
Members : 1. Mr A. Lalramnghaka, Department of Mizo
2. Mrs. C.Lalnuntluangi Deptt. Of Eco.
3. Dr. Lalchhuanmawii Deptt. Of Pub Admn.
4. Ms.H.Lalbiakzuali,Deptt Of Mizo
5. Mrs.Lalngaihawmi Deptt. Of Sociology.
6. Mr. Lalsangzela Deptt, of Pol.Sc.
Nature of Works :
1) To inculcate the spirit of enterprise in the students through various means

11. Canteen Committee :
Chairman : Mr. C.Laldinsanga Deptt of Socio
Secretary : Mrs. Lalremmawii, Deparment of Mizo
Members :

1. Mr.Lalhmachhuana Deptt. Of Edu.
2. Mrs. Lalsangluri, Department of History
3. Mr.Lalthansanga Deptt. Of PolSc.
4. Mr. LMS.Dawngkima
5. Mr. H. Vanlalhmangaiha.
6. Mr. Zothantluanga, UDC
Nature of Works :
1) To select the ones to run the Canteen and fix the standard rent.
2) To ensure the hygienic quality of Canteen items.
3) To see that the Canteen runs smoothly.

12. Health Club and Medical Committee :
Chairman : Mrs.Jenifer Lalbiakdiki
Secretary : Mr.Lalsangzela pachuau

1.Mr,C.Laldinsanga,Deptt. Of Sociology.
2. Dr. Lalrinmawii , Department of Eng
3.Ms. Lalmuankimi, Department of Sociology
4. Mr.A. Lalramnghaka
5. Mr.R.Lalrintluanga,UDC
6. Mr.Lalbiaktluanga Duftry.
EX.Officio : Principal

Nature of Works:
1) To organise medical check up for all the students and staff.
2) To organise First-aid basic training.
3) To organise Medical Camp and Health Club at Republic veng thlang and at Tachhip for their mental, physical and moral devevelopment.
4) To organise HIV/AIDS Awareness campaign with relevant NGO periodically.

13. Property Committee :
Chairman : Mr Lalnunzira Deptt. Of Mizo.
Secretary : Mr.JH.Zohmangaihzuala HA
Members :

1. Dr. Lalchhuanmawii Deptt. Of PA2.
2. Mrs, Mary Lalngaihawmi Deptt. Of PolSc.
3. Mrs. Rosy Lalrinsangi, Department of Education
4. Mr.S. Lalnunpuia, Librarian.
5. Ms. Lalrintluangi, LDC
6. Mrs.Lalchhuanawmi LDC
7.Ms.Lallawmkimi IV Grade
8. Mrs.Zosangliani IV Grade

Nature of Works:
1) To maintain records of College properties.
2) To ensure the safe custody of College properties
3) To facilitate Staff room, Common rooms for students, Rest rooms and toilets, Health Centre, vehicle parking, Hostel, Guest Houses, Communication facilities (Telephone;STD;ISD), Electricity and lighting, Transport, Landscape (approach roads/gardens and general ambience

14.Cleanliness and Beautification Committee:

Chairman :Mrs.Caroline Laldinsangi
Secretary : Dr.Malsawmliana
Member : 1. Ms.H.Lalbiakzuali
2. Mr.CVL.Tlanhlua
3. Dr.Lalchhuanmawia
4. Mr.Lalnunzira
5. Mr.Lalramthanga Sailo
6. Mrs.Lucy Lalnunsangi
7. Mr.Vanlalmawia
Nature of works
1.Cleanliness of the Campus.
2. Beautification of the college campus
3.Organising Cleanliness Drive and awareness campaign,

15.Women Empowerment Cell

Chairman: Dr. Lalchhuanmawii
Secretary : Dr. Vanlalchami
Members : 1.Dr. Laltanpuii Deptt of Socio.
2. Mr. Lalthansanga Deptt. Of PolSc.
3. Mrs.Lalsangluri Deptt. Of History
4. Mrs. PB.Lallawmawmi Deptt. Of Socio.
5. Ms. Catherine Laldinpuii Deptt.of Eng.
6. IQAC Co-ordinator.

Nature of works
1.To work towards a gender-sensitive community and create awareness on Gender equity.
2. To encourage greater participation and develop responsible leadership among
female teachers and students.
3. To ensure there is no hostile atmosphere or physical,mental sexual harassment
4.To give awareness to female students regarding their educational pursuits, career and placement.

16.Anti-Ragging Cell:
Chairman : Mr.Lalhmachhuana, Deptt. Of Edu.
Secretary: Mrs. Lalngaihawmi Khiangte Deptt of Soc.
Members :1.Dr.LV Zodinpuii,Deptt of Edu.
2.Mrs Ramdinliani,Deptt of Pol Sc.
3.Mr.Vanlalfinga Deptt. Of P.A.
4.Mrs.Lalnuntluangi,Deptt Of Eco.
5.Mr.Lalnunzira Deptt. Of Mizo.
6.All class representatives.