PMKSYFollowing a beneficial and successful awareness programme with the UD&PA department, the Sociology department, Govt. T. Romana College took the initiative to hold another awareness programme with the Rural Development Department, with the goal of educating students about the various Rural Development Schemes that are part of their syllabus.

So, another awareness programme on selected Rural Development Schemes under the department was organised on February 28, 2024 by the Director, Rural Development Department at the Directorate's Conference Hall.

The first session was chaired by Mr. Lalnuntluanga, Project Officer and Mr. Lalthazuala, Director gave a keynote address which was followed by presentations on Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2.0 (PMKSY) by Mr. Jedid Lalnundanga Keivom, Technical Expert.

The second session commenced with a presentation by Mrs, Esther Lalhlimpuii, Assistant Director on National Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), followed by Mr. Zoramsiama Hmar, Deputy Director (G) presenting a paper on Mahatma Gandhi NREGS. There was a lively and productive interaction in which students could ask questions and gain practical insights from experts. The awareness programme was attended by 56 final semester students and 6 faculty members.