Consumer Awareness 2024

A Consumer Awareness Campaign was organized for the students of Govt. T. Romana College at RUSA Hall on 26th August, 2024. The Campaign was organised by the Mizoram Consumers’ Union Headquarters and DC, Aizawl in collaboration with the Consumer Club, Govt. T. Romana college. The program was financed by the FCS & CA Department.

The meeting was chaired by Dr Benjamin Ralte, Chairman Consumer Club Government T. Romana College. Mr. R Lalremliana, Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. The resource persons - Mr. Thanglura, Vice President MCU, Mr K. Zomuana, Secretary i/c Organisation and Mr H. Laldikliana, Treasurer all spoke on different matters relating to consumer’s rights and responsibilities, to create an awareness amongst the students. The program was concluded with a discussion session with students asking questions on the subject which were discussed and answered by the resource persons.