Govt. T. Romana College Students’ Union election was held on 31st July, 2024 and Mr. Lalthansanga, Associate Professor was the Returning Officer and the Polling Officers were Dr. Joseph K Lalfakzuala, R.D. Lalsanglura, C. Zirsangliana and Stephen. The new OBs took charged from the outgoing S.U. on 2nd August, 2023 in the presence of Dr. Jenifer Lalbiakdiki, Principal, the officiating President of the Students’ Union. The following candidates had been elected to be the office bearers for the session of 2024-25.

 Sl. No.  Name  Semester  Core  Position
 1.  Freddy Lalmuanpuia  V  Pol. Sc  Vice President
 2.  Lalruatkima  V  English  General Secretary
 3.  Vanlalhlimpuia  V  Education   Asst. General Secretary
 4.  Lalrintluanga   V  Education  Games & Sport Secretary
 5.  Vanlalthatluanga   III   English  Asst. Games & Sport Secretary
 6.  Malsawmtluanga  V   English  Common Room Secretary
 7.  Lalnunpuia  III   Mizo  Asst. Common Room Secretary
 8.  Lalramdinpuii V History  Debating Secretary
 9.  Zorammawii III P.A  Asst. Debating Secretary
 10.  Lalsangzuala V Pol.Sc  Magazine Editor
 11.  Jacob Lalduhkima III English  Asst. Magazine Editor
 12.  Linda Lianlalruali V History  Social & Cultural Secretary
 13.  Lalchhanchhuaha V Sociology  Asst. Social & Cultural Secretary


SU charge handover s