International Lecture s

Govt. T. Romana College, Dept. of History and IQAC organised 'International Lecture on Origin and Migration of the Mizo' on 1st August, 2024. The program was chaired by Dr. Benjamin Ralte, HoD, Dept. Of History and R. Lalremliana, Vice Principal delivered a welcome speech. The invited Resource Person was Liandova Lusei from Myanmar, who has been working for dacades on the indigenous research on the origin of the Mizo and their migration process to various parts of Asia including the present Mongolia, Tibet, Colonial India including the present Bangladesh.

Liandova also briefly narrate the race and languages affinity of the Burmese with the various tribes of Mizo. He also highlighted the origin of the term 'lusei' and the suffix of 'i' and 'a' at the end of the names of female and male respectively. The lecture prespectives was to enrich the Mizo history. The session ended with an intereraction from the participants.